Senin, 04 Februari 2013

[curhat] Pendaftaran SNMPTN

udah tau kan, tanggal 1 februari sampe 8 maret 2013 adalah pendaftaran SNMPTN. ya, aku salah satu siswi kelas 3 sekarang yang ingin mendaftar jalur ini untuk masuk ke PTN favoritku. sekadar curhat aja, ini membuatku nervous, deg-degan waktu nge-check nilaiku di PDSS. nilaiku ngga ada yang salah sih, tapi aku masih takut untuk meng-klik verifikasi nilai.
aku harap, aku bisa masuk ke PTN sesuai jurusan yang aku minati. secara sekarang persaingan banyak banget. aku juga berharap bisa mencetak sejarah baru untuk sekolahku *yeyeye. Amin :))

Selasa, 22 Januari 2013

Lirik lagu Christian Bautista-Since I Found You

I think of you in everything that I do 
To be with you what ever it takes I'll do
Cause you my love, you're all my heart desires 
You've lightened up my life forever I'm alive
Since I found you my world seems so brand new
You've showed me the love I never knew
Your presence is what my whole life through
Since I found you my life begins so new 
Now who needs a dream when there is you 
For all of my dreams came true
Since I found you
Your love shines bright 
Through all the corners of my heart
Maybe you are my dearest heart
I gave you all I have my heart, my soul, my life
My destiny is you
Forever true... I'm so in love with you
Since I found you my world seems so brand new 
You've showed me the love I never knew
Your presence is what my whole life through
Since I found you my life begins so new
Now who needs a dream when there is you
For all of my dreams came true
Since I found you
My heart forever true...In love with you..